Movie Description
Zombi 2 is a 1979 zombie film directed by Lucio Fulci. The film was adapted from an original screenplay by Dardano Sacchetti to serve as a sequel to George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead, released in Italy as Zombi. It stars Tisa Farrow, Ian McCulloch and Richard Johnson, and featured a score by frequent Fulci collaborator Fabio Frizzi.
The film tells the story of a Caribbean island cursed by voodoo, whose dead residents rise as zombies to attack the living. A scientist's daughter journeys to the island after her father's boat turns up abandoned in New York City. Intended as a return to "classic zombie tales" by its writer, Zombi 2 was filmed in Italy, with further location shooting in New York and Santa Domingo.
Produced on a small budget of ?410 million, the film earned several times its production costs back in international gross. It attracted controversy upon its United Kingdom release, becoming listed as a "video nasty"; however later years have seen a greater appreciation for the film from critics. Frizzi's score has also been released independently of the film, as well as being performed live on tour by the composer.