Movie Description
Veronika Decides to Die is a 2009 American psychological drama film directed by Emily Young from a screenplay by Roberta Hanley and Larry Gross, based on the 1998 novel of the same name by Paulo Coelho. It stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jonathan Tucker, Florencia Lozano, Melissa Leo, David Thewlis, and Erika Christensen. While the novel originally takes place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the film is set in New York City.
Despite a seemingly successful life, 30-something Veronika Deklava (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is depressed and cannot find meaning in her existence. Intending suicide, she takes an overdose, blaming her attempted suicide on the failure of the world to recognize what is "real". She wakes inside an exclusive and expensive mental asylum only to learn that the overdose has left her prone to an aneurysm that will kill her in a matter of weeks.