Movie Description
The Black Panther is a 1977 British crime film. Its subject is the criminal Donald Neilson, known as the "Black Panther". It was directed and produced by Ian Merrick, his first feature, and stars Donald Sumpter, Debbie Farrington and Marjorie Yates. It was seen as exploitative, as the film was released in a short time after the occurrence of the events depicted.
The film featured the kidnap of a young girl, Lesley Whittle. It was controversial on its release and was slandered by media figures such as Sue Lawley of Tonight. Subsequently, the film was effectively banned from viewing. In 2012, the film was remastered and resurrected into the British Film Institute Archives and Hall of Fame, as an important British film to rave reviews. John Patterson of The Guardian commented that The Black Panther "emerges as a meticulous, tactful, well made and highly responsible true crime movie".