Movie Description
Joe is a 2013 American independent crime drama film directed and co-produced by David Gordon Green, co-produced by Lisa Muskat, Derrick Tseng and Christopher Woodrow and written by Gary Hawkins, adaptation from Larry Brown's 1991 novel of the same name. It stars Nicolas Cage and Tye Sheridan, revolving around a tormented man who hires a 15-year-old boy and protects him from his abusive father.
The film premiered at the 70th Venice International Film Festival on August 30, 2013, with a subsequent screening at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was then distributed by Worldview Entertainment and Lionsgate Films on April 11, 2014. It was a box office flop, grossing only $2.3 million from a $4 million budget, but received critical acclaim from critics, who praised Cage's performance and Green's direction.