Movie Description
Jail Bait (also known as Hidden Face) is a 1954 American Film Noir crime film directed by Ed Wood, with a screenplay by Wood and Alex Gordon. The film stars Clancy Malone as the delinquent son of a famous doctor, and his involvement with a dangerous criminal. Famed bodybuilder Steve Reeves made his first screen appearance in the film.
The film is set in Southern California, though this does not translate to the abundance of sunlight which is typically associated with the location. The action of the film takes place over several weeks, but "always at night". This perpetual night and darkness gives the film an "otherworldly ambience".
The film belongs to the film noir genre, and contains themes typical of it such as plastic surgery and identity theft.
(Summary from Wikipedia)
Copyright Info: This movie is in the public domain and is legally available for free on YouTube.