Movie Description
Hellraiser is a 1987 horror film written and directed by Clive Barker, based on his novella The Hellbound Heart. The story involves a mysterious puzzle box that opens a gateway to a hellish alternate dimension populated by gruesome beings known as Cenobites, led by Pinhead (Doug Bradley). When Frank Cotton (Sean Chapman) solves the puzzle box, he is gruesomely torn apart by the Cenobites, but his remains are accidentally revived by his brother. The film then follows Frank's attempts, with the help of his niece Kirsty (Ashley Laurence), his brother Larry (Andrew Robinson), and his brother's wife Julia (Clare Higgins), to restore his body by luring victims to the house. Featuring a combo of body horror and dark fantasy, Hellraiser has achieved cult status and launched a long-running horror franchise.
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