Movie Description
Golgo 13: The Professional, known as simply Golgo 13 in Japan, is a 1983 Japanese animated action film based on the manga series Golgo 13 by Takao Saito. The film was directed by Osamu Dezaki, produced by Nobuo Inada and was written from a screenplay by Shukei Nagasaka. It is the first film based on the manga and the third overall, as well as the first animated film to incorporate CGI animation, created by Koichi Omura and Satomi Mikuriya at Toyo Links Co., Ltd.. The most notable example of this is during the helicopter attack on Dawson Tower. The film features the voice acting of Tetsur? Sagawa, Gor? Naya, Toshiko Fujita, K?sei Tomita, Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Reiko Mut?. The film was released by Toho-Towa on May 28, 1983. Upon release, the film received mixed reviews yet was widely praised for the animation design. Quentin Tarantino paid homage to the Golgo 13 anime in the animated sequence of Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003).