Over 1,000 New Movies Added to Free Great Movies
December 12, 2022
We've just added over 1,000 new movies to FreeGreatMovies.com. This includes about 500 free movies from YouTube and over 500 free movies from popular movie streaming sites like Tubi TV, Roku Channel, Pluto TV, Plex TV, and Amazon Freevee. You can browse all of these one thousand movies in our Recently Added Movies section:
Recently Added Movies on FreeGreatMovies.com
We now have over 5,000 free great movies available on the site. Here's a breakdown of the number of movies we have by genre which you can browse. To see the recently added movies in these sections just Sort by "Recently Added" in the upper right of the browse section.
Number of Movies by Genre Currently on FreeGreatMovies:
672 Action Movies
623 Comedy Movies
739 Documentaries
814 Drama Movies
530 Foreign Films
494 Horror Movies
230 Independent Films
200 Science Fiction Movies
368 Thriller Movies
401 Movies from Other Movie Genres (includes Musicals, Animated Movies, Family Movies, Religious Movies, and Silent Films)
And here is how all the movies on our site break down by decade from the 1910s to the 2010s. To see the recently added movies in these sections just Sort by "Recently Added" in the upper right of the browse section.
595 Movies from the 2010s
635 Movies from the 2000s
659 Movies from the 1990s
814 Movies from the 1980s
712 Movies from the 1970s
473 Movies from the 1960s
366 Movies from the 1950s
348 Movies from the 1940s
242 Movies from the 1930s
157 Movies from the 1920s
47 Movies from the 1910s
I look forward to adding many more movies in 2023 as they become available! For now enjoy over 5,000 of the best free movies online!